Home Online Health & Release Forms FAQ
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Online Health & Release Forms FAQ

  1. Where do I fill out my Health & Release forms?
  2. I need to fix something on my camper’s form, can I edit or delete it to re-submit it?
  3. Why can’t I opt-out of the Media Release?
  4. When I try to add my camper, I receive the error "camper cannot be found", what do I do?
  5. What do I do if I forgot my confirmation number?

1 Where do I fill out my Health & Release forms?

Health & Release forms will be completed in the USSC Customer Portal!
For help, visit: USSC Customer Portal Basics

2 I need to fix something on my camper’s form, can I edit or delete it to re-submit it?

You are not able to delete your camper’s completed forms. To re-do your forms in their entirety, please reach out to our team during office hours only (8am-5pm PST) at 1-800-645-3226 or after hours via email.

3 Why can’t I opt-out of the Media Release?

Use of photography and recorded media of participants for future marketing and communication is a standard practice in the camp industry. US Sports Camps cannot monitor photographs for individual participants who opted in or out. Therefore, we cannot honor requests for campers to not be photographed at camp.

While the Media Release provides the right of US Sports camps and its partners to use the likeness of participants via camp photos, video or other media, we are in no way infringing upon individuals’ future name/image/likeness rights with other partners.

Participant information is utilized for marketing and communication purposes by US Sports Camps (Directors and Marketing) and NIKE USA. Our client data is not ever sold to other entities.

4 When I try to add my camper, I receive the error "camper cannot be found", what do I do?

Please review your camper's Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) and confirmation number. Our system uses the exact Date of Birth you provided during the registration process. If you have reviewed the information and were unable to add your camper, please reach out to our team during office hours only (7am-5pm PST) at 1-800-645-3226 or after hours via email to verify the information you have is correct.

5 What do I do if I forgot my confirmation number?

If you have forgotten your camper’s Confirmation Number, please select ‘Forgot Confirmation #?

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